
Category: Navigation
Released: Jul 17, 2008
Price: $1.99

Position Sharing Application for the iPhone and iPod Touch Features Include: The Compass – Shows you what direction you are currently heading. The faster you go, the greater the accuracy. Spot Me – A shortcut to pinpointing your current location instantly in Google Maps. Also creates a log of your most recent locations. Share – Instantly email your current location. The email contains a link that when clicked, takes you into Google Maps and shows your exact location. Friends trying to find where your at? Hit “Share” and email it to them, they can pull your exact location right up and get directions. Info – Latitude, Longitude, Altitude, Heading, Speed, Accuracy, Date and Time of the most recent location update. *Most accurate with iPhone 3G or iPhone (pre-3G) and iPod Touch with G-Fi Mobile GPS Network Router. **This application is for recreational use only. Pre-Order G-Fi at www.posimotion.com

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